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Fotografie víťazov súťaže National Geographic sú vždy ohromné. Aj uplynulý rok priniesol dych berúce zábery

National Geographic, tak ako každý rok, vyhlásil súťaž Cestovateľská fotografia roka a opäť musel vyberať z naozajstných skvostov. Dych vyrážajúce víťazné fotky vás ohromia.

Víťaz Grand Prize v kategórii Ľudia: Anthony Lau
Fotka zachytáva mongolských jazdcov na koňoch, ktorí predvádzajú svoje schopnosti v rannej hmle.
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Prvá cena v kategórii Príroda: Hiroki Inoue
Romantika je vo vzduchu. Dve ryšavé líšky sa naháňajú v hustom snehu v Japonsku.
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Druhá cena v kategórii Príroda: Massimiliano Bencivenni
Kajman Jakaré z Brazílie bol zachytený ako hltá svoj úlovok.

Picture taken in the Brazilian Pantanal... when I downloaded the CF did not want to believe it .... The nature knows we always give magnificent events but sometimes extraordinaryimg: via

Tretia cena v kategórii Príroda: Victor Lima
Victor sa snažil zachytiť miesto, ktoré doteraz nebolo poriadne zdokumentované. Poukázal nato, že púšť je jedným z najlepších miest na vytváranie nočných fotografií.
The Baltinache Ponds, also called Hidden Ponds are a set of seven salt ponds located in the area of the Salt Cordillera, near San Pedro de Atacama, in the second region of northern Chile, in the Atacama desert. After much research, I believe to be the first photographer to publish night photos of this place, but it is still necessary to confirm this information. Tech Details: Photography done in one shot. Foreground was illuminated by the moonlight. Reduced exposure in Lightroom in +/- 1EV.
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Čestné uznanie v kategórii Príroda: John Rollins
Dvojica polárnych medveďov, matka a mláďa, sa zabáva v snehu na jednom z kanadských Arktických ostrovoch.

This photo was taken far out on the sea ice in the Davis Straight off the coast of Baffin Island. This mother and her yearling are perched atop a huge snow covered iceberg that got "socked in" when the ocean froze over for the winter. To me, the relative "smallness" of these large creatures when compared to the immensity of the iceberg in the photo represents the precariousness of the polar bear's reliance on the sea and sea ice for its existence.
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Prvá cena v kategórii Mestá: Takashi Nakagawa
Nádherné zrkadlenie zachytené v Madrase, Marakéši.

Even though there were a lot of people in Ben Youssef, still here was more quiet and relaxing compare to the street outside in Marrakesh. I was waiting for the perfect timing to photograph for long time.

Druhá cena v kategórii Mestá: Wing Ka H
Študentský internát v južnej Číne.

At Mainland China university, students work like slaves or more like prisoners. Serious academic corruption, dry and irrelevant to society curriculum, and rote memorisation teaching methodsÓ were leading to students developing Òrigid ways of thinkingÓ, progressively losing interest in learning and ultimately emerging from university as Òsoulless zombiesÓ.
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Tretia cena v kategórii Mestá: Jeremy Tan
Blesk nad vežou Komtar, ktorá je dominantou mesta George Town v Malajzii.

Lightning seemingly strikes Komtar Tower, the most iconic landmark of George Town, capital of Penang state in Malaysia. It is symbolic of the rejuvenation that the city, famous for a unique blend of centuries-old buildings and modern structures, has enjoyed in recent years. While many of its old neighbourhoods fell into neglect in the 1990s and early 2000s, UNESCO World Heritage listing in 2008 sparked a transformation, and today, they are all part of a vibrant tourist destination.
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Čestné uznanie v kategórii Mestá: Kathleen Dolmatch
Fotografia z helikoptéry ukazuje jasnú hranicu medzi zastavanou časťou New Yorku a zeleňou v Central parku.

In the helicopter looking south on Central Park West - dividing the architecture and Central park, on November 5th 2014, a day before my 27th birthday. The flight was my birthday gift. Taken with Canon 5D Mark iii & EF24-70mm f/4L IS USM - edited in Adobe Lightroom (I previously incorrectly had this as Park Ave)
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Druhá cena v kategórii Ľudia: Yasmin Mund
Celé rodiny sa „vetrajú“ na strechách budov. Spánok v budovách bez klimatizácie je v severoindickom Varanasi uprostred leta prakticky nemožný.

I arrived at my guest house in Varanasi at 5:30am, I instinctively climbed the 7 sets of stairs to the rooftop (which happened to be the highest in the vicinity) to see the sunrise over the famous Ganges River. As the sun was rising I looked over the right hand side of the balcony and my jaw dropped with disbelief. Below were families - mothers, fathers, children, brothers, sister and dogs all sleeping on the top of their houses. It was mid summer in Varanasi and sleeping sans AC was difficult.
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Tretia cena v kategórii Ľudia: Mattia Passarini
Starenka z dediny Himachal Pradesh v Indii nesie domov drevo na zahriatie.

Kinnaura tribal old women in remote village in Himachal Pradesh carrying big log back home to warm up her house

Čestné uznanie v kategórii Ľudia: Dotan Saguy
Posilňovňa pod holým nebom vo Venice Beach v Kalifornii.

A weightlifter lifts a barbell loaded with heavy plates while a bodybuilder performs an aerial handstand at the Muscle Beach Gym in Venice Beach, CA.
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