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1 - Migrants and refugees arrived by boat in November near the village of Skala on the Greek island of Lesbos. Under Europe’s system of open internal borders, the island’s thinly patrolled, easily accessible coastline, within sight of the Turkish coast, might as well be the frontier of France or Germany or Sweden.

img: Sergey Ponomarev

Utečenci prichádzajú na lodi v blízkosti dediny Skala na gréckom ostrove Lesbos.

<> on December 10, 2015 in UNSPECIFIED, China.

img: Kevin Frayer

Čínsky muž tlačí trojkolku v susedstve vedľa uhoľnej elektrárne Shanxi.

BEAVER CREEK,COLORADO,USA,08.FEB.15 - ALPINE SKIING - FIS Alpine World Ski Championships, Birds of Prey, Alpine combined, downhill, men. Image shows Ondrej Bank (CZE). Ondrej Bank (CZE) crashed during the downhill race of the alpine combined at the FIS World Champioships 2015 in Beaver Creek. Keywords: crash. Photo: GEPA pictures/ Christian Walgram
img: Christian Walgram

FIS Alpine World Ski Championships: český reprezentant Ondrej Bank spadol počas závodu alpskej kombinácie v Beaver Creek v Colorade.

img: Chen Jie

Výhľad z vtáčej perspektívy na deštrukciu po explózii v čínskom meste Tiencin.

Lamon Reccord, left, scolds a police sergeant during a police violence protest and march at State and Randolph streets Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015, in Chicago. (John J. Kim/Chicago Tribune)

img: John J Kim

Pochod proti policajnému násiliu: Lamon Reccord hľadí do tváre policajného seržanta počas protestu po smrteľnej streľbe na Laquana McDonalda v Chicagu.

PRESEVO, SERBIA - OCTOBER 7, 2015: A child refugee is covered with raincoat while she waits in line to get registered in Presevo refugee registration camp. Most of the refugees who crossed Serbia try to continue their route towards Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and other countries of the European Union.
img: Matic Zorman

Dieťa zahalené pršiplášťom počas toho, ako čaká v rade na registráciu do utečeneckého tábora v srbskom meste Prešovo.

Colima Volcano in Mexico shows a powerful night explosion with lightning, ballystics and some incandescent rockfalls. Photo taken on dec. 13 at 22:24 hours, 12.5 km away from the crater near a lagoon named Carrizalillos on Comala municipality in the state of Colima. Colima Volcano had a period of enormous activity on july of 2015, at least 700 inhabitants were evacuated from their settlements. The volcano mantains activity with 3 to 6 explosions by day. Lightning on Colima Volcano explosions became common on last months. This particular lightning is more than 600 meters long, so the big light made clear some details of the south portion of volcano. It's an 8 seconds shot, time enough to catch the explosion and the lightning. Photo: Sergio Velasco
img: Sergio Tapiro

Sila prírody: Výbuch mexického vulkánu Colima sprevádzalo blýskanie.

img: Zhang Lei

Tiencin, mesto v severnej Číne, zahalené do hmly.

img: Anuar Patjane Floriuk

Potápači sú obkolesení veľrybami neďaleko Roca Partida na mexických ostrovoch Revillagigedo Islands.

Sunbather oblivious to the ominous shelf cloud approaching - on Bondi beach. A massive “cloud tsunami” looms over Sydney in a spectacular weather event seen only a few times a year. The enormous shelf cloud rolled in from the sea, turning the sky almost black and bringing violent thunderstorms in its wake.
img: Rohan Kelly

Opaľujúca žena si nevšíma blížiace sa mraky k austrálskemu pobrežiu na Bondi Beach.

Migrants crossing the border from Serbia into Hungary.
img: Warren Richardson

Nádej na nový život: Migranti prekračujú hranice medzi Srbskom a Maďarskom.





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